Not considering bankruptcy as a viable option.

There are a lot of misconceptions about bankruptcy which can make debtors reticent to proceed with filing. The important thing to note is that bankruptcy is not as negative an experience as the media depicts, and it can provide you with a clean slate.

Filing under the wrong chapter.

To ensure a timely and appropriate resolution to your debt, it is critical to understand the different types of bankruptcy filings.  Consult a knowledgeable attorney to determine what is best for your situation.

Waiting too long to file.

The sooner you address the issue at hand, the better equipped you will be able to handle it.  Usually, addressing a potential bankruptcy filing early can save you money in the long run.

Not being honest in your filing.

Whether you refrain from listing all of your creditors or hide an extra bank account, these actions will not only negatively affect your filing, but they are against the law. It is in your best interest to be open and honest during the bankruptcy process. Your legal team will work with you to ensure you are listing the appropriate information, in its entirety, on your petition.

Choosing an inexperienced attorney.

Bankruptcy, in any form, is a complex legal process. Make sure you choose a knowledgeable legal team that specializes in bankruptcy.