File Chapter 7 for $0 upfront Legal Fees, pay only filing fee and expenses
Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code is known as the Liquidation Chapter or can be referred to as a "Straight Bankruptcy." There is an income-threshold test that consumer fliers will have to pass to qualify for Chapter 7. Under Chapter 7, most if not all debts with some exceptions, are discharged or forgiven. In exchanged, a Bankruptcy Trustee is appointed and tasked with liquidating or selling non-exempt assets so that creditors may receive some payment for their claim.
However, for most Chapter 7 cases filed by individuals and consumers, there are no non-exempt assets to liquidate or sell. In most cases where there is a liquidation or sale the dollar amount of the assets can be nominal.
This is why the pre-bankruptcy planning stage of the Chapter 7 case can be the most important part of the case. An experienced and competent Arizona Bankruptcy Attorney is going to spend considerable time helping you plan your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy filing that could ultimate save you thousands of dollars in needless asset liquidation.
Azeros Legal will provide a free consultation and planning session for your Chapter 7 case.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Once you file for bankruptcy, the law requires ALL creditors to leave you alone. That means harassing collections calls and endless messages CEASE upon notification of your filing.
Filing Chapter 7:
- STOPS wage garnishments
- STOPS collection lawsuits
- STOPS creditor harassments
- ERASES most or all debt
Consistent & Effective Representation from Start to Finish
Your case will be handled only by your attorney, Nathan J. Brelsford. All phone calls, text messages, emails and communications will be handled only by Nathan J. Brelsford.
We don't take high volumes of cases and clients and you won't see us advertise on billboards and bus stops. We work with clients you want a personalize representation handled on a one-on-one basis.
Schedule Free Bankruptcy Consultation

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